RÍO GRANDE, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Río Grande Contemplation Station I: Salt Cedar (tamarisk). 2019. Photo by Derek Irland.

unloadingsaltcedarIMG7878 StationIphotobyPaulaWilson

Unloading freshly cut salt cedar for use on Río Grande Contemplation Station I.

Irland sitting inside Río Grande Contemplation Station I.

Photo by Paula Wilson.

These three Contemplation Stations, located on the Río Grande, provide a place where one can reflect on flowing water and the nearby Sandia Mountains. The plants used in these high desert sculptures include salt cedar (tamarisk), desert willow, and river cane. Salt cedar is considered an invasive plant in this area, so it's use as a raw material is actually beneficial to the local ecosystem since harvesting it helps to clear out a non-native species. Sitting within the sculptures, one can focus on the importance of this major artery of the Southwest and witness non-human species nearby such as butterflies, beavers, and coyotes.

StationIIDesertWillow StationIIdetail

Río Grande Contemplation Station II: Desert Willow. 2019.

Detail of Río Grande Contemplation Station II shortly after completion with branches still green.

StationIIinwinter StationIinteriorphotobyDerekIrland

Río Grande Contemplation Station II in the winter with faded color.

View from inside Río Grande Contemplation Station I. Photo by Derek Irland.

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Front view of Río Grande Contemplation Station III: River Cane. 2019.

Back view of Río Grande Contemplation Station III. Photo by Derek Irland.

StationIIIdetailphotobyDerekIrland workingonStationIIIphotobyMaryLance

Detail of Río Grande Contemplation Station III.

Photo by Derek Irland.

Working on Río Grande Contemplation Station III at the Open Space Visitor Center. Photo by Mary Lance.


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