DECKERS CREEK, West Virginia


Deckers Creek Repository, Ridge to River. 2010.

backofRepository handmadeceramicCanteenwithcarryingcase stainingpackwithironoxideandclayfromthecreek

Back of Repository with carrying straps and waist band.

Handmade ceramic Canteen with carrying case.

Staining pack with iron oxide and clay from Deckers Creek.

Photo by Erika Osborne.

aciddrainagefromminingflowingintoDeckersCreek DeckersCreek

Acidic water draining from mine into Deckers Creek.

Deckers Creek.

The old wound was oozing a rusty red fluid into Deckers Creek in Northern West Virginia. Upstream the water was clear with a solidly high pH level of 7.7. But at the outflow of the abandoned Richards Coal Mine the pH reading was 4.2 and the rocks were stained deep burgundy where the acid mine drainage bled into the water.


For two months before arriving I corresponded with community groups, scientists, videographers, potters, and faculty and graduate students at the University of West Virginia. I had been invited to create a Gathering of Waters project along the short nineteen mile length of Deckers Creek which we were able to do in just one day with the help of bicyclists, runners, walkers, and kayakers.

addingwatertocanteenatsourceofthecreek CanteenandLogbookheaddowncreekinkayaks

Canteen and Logbook head down creek in kayaks.

Photo by Erika Osborne.


Adding water to Canteen at source of the creek.

Photo by Erika Osborne.


Handing off Canteen.

Adding more water to Canteen.

bikingwiththeRepository Repositoryalongcreektrail

Biking with the Repository.

Repository along creek trail.

logginginatDeckersCreek Logbookpage5 PhlevelsalongDeckersCreek

Writing in the Logbook.

Logbook page.

Ph levels along Deckers Creek.


Reading river poems at the confluence of Deckers Creek and Monogahela River. Photo by Erika Osborne.

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