
Boulder Creek Repository, Continental Divide to Confluence (worn). 2007.

BoulderCreekRepositorydetail participantgifts

Repository (detail).

Participant gifts with map of Arapaho Glacier.


Installation with video.

For the Boulder Creek Gathering, we covered an old canteen with recycled truck inner tubes since this is what is used to float the stream in summer time. These large rusted inner tubes were also used to make the repository, which is suspended from beaver-cut sticks found downstream from a beaver dam. Forty-seven (the length of the creek) water sample bottles hang from the sculpture and make rhythmic sounds as it is worn. The participant gifts were constructed from used bicycle tires, because Boulder sports a large bicycle community.

gatheringwaterintothecanteen testingwaterqualityBoulder

Adding water to the Canteen along Boulder Creek.

Boulder Creek water quality testing.

see also: Boulder Ice Book projects

see also: Boulder Gathering of Waters video

see also: Boulder Hydrolibros project

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