
Book Details


Author: Basia Irland


Contributors: Sara Ahmed, Rahim Al Haj, Kathleen Stewart Howe, Diane R. Karp, Lucie R. Lippard, Edward Lucie-Smith, Sandra Postel, Grant Sonnex, Jeroen van Westen, David Williams


Publisher: University of New Mexico Press


ISBN: 9780826336750


Format: hardcover


Pages: 234


Illustrations: color


Dimensions: 10.25" x 8.75" (26cm x 22.2cm)

Water Library consists of nine interconnected sections focusing on projects that artist Basia Irland has created over the last thirty years in Africa, Canada, Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, and the United States.

lithostoneinriver canteenatGulfofMexico

Working on a litho stone in the Río Grande. 1988.

Photo by Jeffrey Ryan.

Conclusion of the original Gathering of Waters project, Gulf of Mexico. 1998.

SaltBookI SaltBoatwithOars

Salt Book I. 1992.

Photo by Damian Andrus.

Salt Boat with Oars. 1995. Photo by Margot Geist.


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Powells (Oregon)

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Schistosome cercariae Scroll I. 2007.

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