The Ecological Activist Art of Basia Irland



Book Details


Editors: Museum De Domijnen, Basia Irland


Contributors: Amanda Boetzkes, Kirsten Pai Buick, Mark B. Feldman, Basia Irland, Carri J. LeRoy, Lucy R. Lippard, Kathleen Dean Moore, Museum De Domijnen, Tom de Rooij, Miriam Sagan, Christopher Shultis


Publisher: Museum De Domijnen


ISBN: 9789075883558


Format: softcover


Pages: 230


Illustrations: color


Dimensions: 10" x 8.5" (25.5cm x 21.5cm)

Reading the River documents the water-related art projects of Basia Irland and picks up where Water Library left off in 2007. The book was produced in conjunction with a 2015-2016 retrospective exhibition in the Netherlands and includes an extended interview with the exhibition curator, Roel Arkensteijn, which focuses on the early years of Irland’s career.

BoundVolumes2 2- Río Grande [photo by Margot Geist]

Bound Volumes 2. c. 1983.

Río Grande. 2015. Photo by Margot Geist.

CowParsleySeedCircleBookTwophotobyDerekIrland IceBooklaunch

Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) Seed Circle Book Two. River Maas, Limburg, the Netherlands, 2015. Photo by Derek Irland.

Ice Book being launched into Río Grande during filming of New Mexico PBS ¡Colores! television program, 2014. Photo by Tara Walch.


Reading the River is available to order through the following online booksellers:


North America

Amazon US

Europe (Netherlands)

Cornerhouse Publications (UK)

Amazon France

Amazon Germany

Amazon Italy

Amazon Spain

Amazon UK

Asia/South Pacific

Amazon Japan

Museum installation with Contemplation Station I. Limburg, the Netherlands, 2015.

Photo by Bert Janssen.

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